Setting up your own Bitcoin wallet is easy with our RockItCoin mobile application. Here are the steps for setting up your wallet:

Step 1: Download the RockItCoin mobile app for Android or iOS.

Step 2: Create your account by clicking “Create An Account” on your screen. This will bring you to the “Get Started” screen to create your wallet credentials. 






Step 3: Choose a username for your RockItCoin wallet.

Step 4: Create a secure password that is a minimum of 10 characters long with at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase, and one number. Be sure to choose something you will remember as we cannot help you recover a lost password.


Step 5: Choose a 4-digit pin that is secure and that you will be able to remember. Do not share your login credentials with anyone!



Step 6: We recommend you write down and store your credentials in a safe place, as we do not store them.  Because RockItCoin does NOT store your credentials for your own security, we cannot assist you if the credentials are forgotten or shared with someone else.

Once you’ve reviewed your credentials, you are ready to create your wallet. We highly recommend backing up your wallet and setting up password recovery. You can read the instructions on how to do so here:

Now you can head to your nearest RockItCoin ATM location to buy or sell cryptocurrency. Visit to find the location nearest you!